Buy Bitcoin is the Same as Gambling, Not Investment

Magic Money - Investment now has more and more types. At present there is also investment in crypto money. However, not everyone is happy and agrees with the investment. One of them is Warren Buffett who contradicts crypto money investment.

The person nicknamed the father of the world's investors has always warned of the dangers of crypto currency investments, such as Bitcoin . He calls buying crypto money like Bitcoin not an investment but speculative or chancy.

Implicitly, Buffett also suggested buying a house or farm if you want to invest, because the results are clearer.

"If you buy a farm, an apartment house, or an interest in business, you can do it personally. And it is a truly perfect investment. You can see for yourself how that investment makes you profitable," said Buffett as quoted from Yahoo! (NASDAQ: AABA ).

Whereas Buffett's opinion on crypto investment, "Now if you buy something like bitcoin or crypto currency, then you don't have anything that can produce. You only hope other people will pay more, "he said.

After that, Buffett also called buying Bitcoin more like gambling, and not investing.


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