How to Check Bitcoin Cash Transactions with Block Explorer

How to Check Bitcoin Cash Transactions with Block Explorer. Block explorer is a tool that allows cryptocurrency users to search for addresses, balances, blocks and transactions so that they can verify all activities on the network. offers BCH explorer, helping you track your coins.

Learn to Use Block Explorer

The bitcoin cash explorer home page displays the Mined BCH blocks and the latest transactions that have been broadcast to the network, and also allows you to investigate any address, hash block, or transaction. To check a transaction, just enter the ID into the search bar and you can immediately access all the details related to it. You will learn when the transaction starts and how much confirmation it has, if any, and other important details such as input, output, cost, byte size, script, and OPcode.

BCH block explorers can be seen in eight languages ​​including Russian , Spanish, Japanese , English, Chinese , Swedish, Indian and Korean. This platform can also display monetary values ​​in a number of fiat currencies such as USD, EUR, AUD, RUB, INR, JPY and CNY.

To learn more about how to use block explorer you can read this guide . And if you want to see an alternative, popular wallet cryptocurrency provider recently launched its own Bitcoin Cash explorer.